Τετάρτη, Ιανουαρίου 21, 2009


αρχιτεκτονάκια όλου του κόσμου ενωθείτε!
τόσες μακέτες ..και τόσα περισσευούμενα κομμάτια περιμένουν να γίνουν ΚΑΤΙ !

via treehugger

Τετάρτη, Δεκεμβρίου 13, 2006

Δευτέρα, Δεκεμβρίου 11, 2006

Love is all a matter of timing.

There is a need in all of us to have a place to hide or to store certain memories, thoughts, impulses, hopes and dreams. These are a part of our lives that we can’t resolve or act upon, but at the same time we are afraid to jettison them. For some, this is a physical place, for others, it is a mental space and for a few it is neither. 2046 is a project that began sometime ago for me and its journey has been eventful. Like the memories we all treasure, it is difficult to leave behind


Παρασκευή, Δεκεμβρίου 08, 2006

virtual dimension - part 3


What I call the digital ouroboros (remember the alchemical symbol of the snake biting its own tail?), refers to a condition whereby we’ve fallen into infinity. An infinity of dead information and obese images. This is the vicious paradox of the digital age, it is the height of masochism and hunger. Content has now beep replaced with metacontent, physical attributes have been replaces with meta-attributes and so on. So we’re really slipping quite quickly out of any kind of gravitational pull and at the same time, and this is the point that I think is very interesting, the world is seizing up on itself.

Forget all the hype about a new frontier, it’s far too late for that kind of utopian spin. We’re out to colonize cyberspace because there’s simple no place left for us to go. The space program hasn’t quite worked out.



virtual dimension - part 2

ANDREAS RUBY: ..reality itself has become unstable today?..
PAUL VIRILIO: obviously, stability has become less important than speed today. The French word for to last (durer) contains multiple meanings: solid (dur) and to endure in the sense of that which happens (ce qui passe). Now today, that which happens is much more important than that which lasts (ce qui dure) – and also than that which is solid (ce qui est dur). There is a dematerialization that goes parallel to deterritolialization and decorporation. Centuries ago, matter was defined by two dimensions: mass and energy. Today there comes a third one to it: information .. and counts more than mass and energy. The third dimension of matter takes the place of the thing itself. Very much in the sense of Flaubert’s phrase: “The image is more important than the thing of which it is an image.” (“L’image vaut plus que la chose don’t elle est image.”) There is an inversion.
AR: You could also put it another way by saying that architecture today integrates elements that used to be part of something else. A hybridization of hitherto unconnected genres merging together into something new. As for example the encounter of tectonics and electronics in virtual space.
PV: One of the consequences of virtual space for architecture is a radical modification of its dimensions. So far, architecture has taken place within the three dimensions and in time. Recent research on virtual space has revealed a virtual dimension. Unlike the three known dimensions of space, this dimension can no longer be expressed in integer numbers but in fractional ones. It will be interesting to see how this is going to affect space. To some degree, virtuality has been haunting architecture for a long time. (…) All these types of spaces prepare for something and engage a transition. Thus virtual reality tends to extend the real space of architecture towards virtual space.
In terms of architecture it is important to create a virtual ‘room’ in the middle of architectural space where electromagnetic spirits can encounter each other. This is an extraordinary transformation of the notion of three-dimensional space, because in this new space, you wil be able to walk around in Alaska, to swim virtually in the Mediterranean sea, or meet your girlfriend who happens to be on the other side of the globe. This is a new, fractional dimension of space that should be built, just as one has built houses with living rooms and offices.
AR: Do you think that these transformations of space could make architecture ‘disappear’?
PV: First of all, the disappearance not only affects architecture but any kind of materiality: the eart (deterritorialization), the body (disembodiment) and architecture (deconstruction in the literal sense of the word, not the architectural style). Any kind of matter is about to vanish in favour of information. You can see it also as a change of aesthetics. To me, to disappear does not mean to become eliminated. Just like the Atlantic, which continues to be there even though you can no longer feel it as you fly over it. Or like the body that continues to exist without actually being needed – since we just switch the channel. The same happens with architecture: it will continue to exist, but in the state of disappearance.



virtual dimension - part 1


The virtual world is nothing other that what is, literally, in front of the user, space is defined not only as what is to be seen, but what is to be navigated and in a sense constructed by the viewer. This kind of interactivity and virtual landscape navigation is rapidly moving onto the Net, giving cyberspace the appearance and feel of being not just a place to inhabit, but a place to navigate, to move forward through, and in the process, to command and control.

An early writer on the architecture of cyberspace, Michael Benedikt, speculates that cyberspace ‘will require constant planning and organization’ that it will need ‘structures’ that will have to be ‘designed’ by ‘cyber architects’ who are ‘schooled in computer science and programming (the equivalent of construction), in graphics, and in abstract design.’

We have lost our taste for the monumental, the heavy, the static, and we have enriched our sensibility with a taste for the light, the practical, the ephemeral and the swift….We – who are materially and spiritually artificial – must find…inspiration in the elements of the utterly new mechanical world we have created, and of which architecture must be the most beautiful expression. - ANTONIO SANT’ELIA – ‘MANIFESTO OF FUTURIST ARCHITECTURE' (1914)



Πέμπτη, Δεκεμβρίου 07, 2006

learn learning..

Ο ελληνικός όρος «Παιδεία» περιλαμβάνει ολόκληρο το εννοιολογικό περιεχόμενο των δύο όρων: «αγωγή» και «μόρφωση». Παιδεία, κατά τον W. Jaeger, σημαίνει και την δια την Παιδαγωγικής ανατροφής (διδασκαλίας και ασκήσεως) καθοδήγησιν του αναπτυσσόμενου ανθρώπου εις την ωρίμανσιν και τα αποτελέσματα της συνειδητής αυτής επιδράσεως, δηλ. την μόρφωσιν. Κατά την διατύπωση του Jaeger, το βαθύτερον νόημα της Παιδείας έγκειται εις την «σαφή συνείδησιν των φυσικών αρχών της ανθρωπίνης ζωής και των σταθερών (εγγενών) νόμων, κατά τους οποίους ενεργούν αι σωματικαί και ψυχικαί δυνάμεις του ανθρώπου». Συνήθως, με τον όρο παιδεία νοούμε το σύνολο όλων των πάσης φύσεως ενεργημάτων με τα οποία είναι δυνατό να υψωθεί ο άνθρωπος πάνω από το επίπεδο της φυσικής και βιολογικής του ύπαρξης, για να φτάσει στην τελείωσή του σαν πνευματικό ον.
